The idea of companies allowing their teams to work remotely is an issue that has come under the microscope in recent years. As employees look to gain personal freedom while companies seek to cut costs, the prospect of working remotely is beneficial for both parties. According to Up Work, nearly two-thirds of U.S. companies today… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Human resources
All Aboard! How to Keep New Hires Chugging Along in the Onboarding Process
Business owners know that like fashion trends, their staff members can easily come and go. Quick turnovers happen for a variety of reasons – perhaps both the employer and employee made unrealistic promises, the job expectations weren’t made clear, or a more extreme cause; the new hire found the organization to be a toxic environment…. Read more »
How Employers Should Respond to “No Match” Letters
As of March, the Social Security Administration (SSA) revived efforts to issue Employer Correction Request Notices to business owners. It’s a practice that the SSA had abandoned in 2012 but now that the letters have resurfaced in many employers’ mailboxes, this may raise concerns for companies across the nation.
Seeing Red: How to Spot the Red Flags Causing Employee Turnover
You’re a good business owner – or at least you think you are. Your current staffers arrive to work on time, you pay them regularly, and perhaps you even have a state-of-the-art ping-pong table in the breakroom for your team to enjoy. But employees don’t care nearly as much about the ping-pong table, the… Read more »
Finding Desirable Candidates Anywhere: 5 Strategies
The last blog, we shared some of the reasons why many employers are struggling to fill positions at their companies, as well as ways to avoid coming up short when it comes to qualified job candidates. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the overall employment rate is expected to increase by… Read more »
Stay Up-to-Date When it Comes to Paying Regular Rates
Typical nine-to-five employees will put in an average of 40 hours per workweek. But not everyone has a typical job. Those who work in demanding fields or work for businesses that go through hectic seasons may need to put in more than the usual 40 hours at the office. That’s why it’s essential for employers… Read more »
Before Letting Them Go…Take This Quiz
Just like the end of a romantic relationship, the termination of an employee can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes those reasons are in the best interest of both parties but the decision to end things can still cause pain nonetheless. Whether you’re letting an employee go for poor work performance or restructuring for… Read more »
Employee Classification Laws Should Encourage Business Owners to Be More Accountable
One of the most challenging parts of human resources management is handling employee compensation. While it might be up to the higher-ups to hire staffers on a full-time or contractual basis, the human resources department is usually the one responsible for handling payroll duties.