Face masks are required in all public spaces throughout California in a mandate made by Governor Gavin Newsom in June 2020. This mandate has a common goal in mind: reduce the spread of coronavirus.
The mandate is designed to protect and states, “To prevent infection, you must cover your nose and mouth when outside your home. So wearing a mask is now required statewide. Wearing a mask or cloth face covering can slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the release of virus into the air. It also reinforces physical distancing, and shows you care about the health of others” according to covid19.ca.gov.

Most individuals throughout California will need to follow mask mandates, especially if you fall into any of the categories stated above. There are however a few exceptions to the mandate:

If you fall into any of the above-mentioned categories, you may be exempt from wearing a mask, however, if it is not an extreme health risk to yourself to wear one, it is suggested for the common courtesy of others to wear a mask. Where and when you should wear a mask are also important to know:

A good rule of thumb is to always wear your mask whenever you leave your home or are in a public area, but what areas and times in public can you take your mask off?

For most of the general public, masks are required any time you leave your home or are in a public area.
Governor Newsom has also stated, “We think the most impactful thing we can do, short of going back to a stay-at-home order, is wearing face coverings when we can’t practice physical distancing.”
With the acknowledgment of the mask mandate and the understanding that we all may be wearing face masks in public for the foreseeable future, it’s important to implement face mask rules and regulations in your workplace. One way to enforce face masks at work is by getting an HR representative involved.
Do you need HR representation for your business? Get in contact with us today. RTR Consulting has more than 20 years devoted to developing effective and efficient human resources policies, procedures, and best practices for small, start-up, and medium-sized businesses.